Momentum Alert
Brief description for Momentum Alert Bot which lets you discover pumps before everyone else.
What does it solve?
Momentum Alert is a Discord alert bot that notifies you if there is an NFT collection that had more than 50 sales in the last 5 minutes and lets you discover floor pumps before everyone else.
Targeted Segment
NFT traders who want to get notified when there are lots of sales within a short time interval in a specific collection.
How to get access?
You can get access to Momentum Alert for 2 Utility Gems.
You'll need to pay $3/month besides the Utility Gems you've spent to get access.
Where to get access?
You’ll be able to see stake/yield options on the Staking tab on CONI's official website.
You’ll be able to see your current Tier if you have staked any $CONI.
You’ll be able to see your total and available Utility Gem(s) count based on your staking if you have any.
You’ll be able to see available utilities which you can get and the required Utility Gem(s) for each utility.
You’ll be able to get the utility you want by clicking Unlock if you have enough Utility Gem(s) to spend.
You’ll be able to give up using a specific utility and get back your Utility Gem(s) you already spend for that; then, you’ll be able to use these Gem(s) again to get a new utility.
Momentum Alert Bot is a Discord alert bot developed by Coniun which notifies Coniun holders if there is a collection that has had more than 50 sales in the last 5 minutes.
Coniun has different versions of Alpha Caller Bot, customized by specific floor ranges.
This bot allows Coniun holders to profit even in bear market conditions.
Each bot alert comes with the Dashboard URL of the related project on, so Coniun holders have a chance to view all charts & real-time sales/listings for considering getting into it.
To find out more about how it works, you can see the details here:
Last updated