Brief description for C-BOX platform which lets you claim Whitelist Spots from the best upcoming projects.
What does it solve?
Being Whitelisted for an upcoming project usually costs you lots of active time on the project's Discord server or being too lucky to be chosen as the winner for their Twitter raffles. Coniun community gets Whitelist Spots from the best upcoming projects to C-BOX, and you always have the time to follow them if they're worth being minted.
C-BOX will let you claim Whitelist spots from the projects you want to mint.
You can also participate in NFT raffles which happen every week, and the Whitelist Spot raffles.
Targeted Segment
NFT traders who want to claim Whitelist Spots easily without requiring active times on the project's discord or joining any raffles.
How to get access?
You can get access to C-BOX Participation for 4 Utility Gems.
You'll need to pay $20/month besides the Utility Gems you've spent to access C-BOX Participation.
C-BOX Participation utility will let you join the NFT raffles each week and join the Whitelist Spot raffles. It does not grant you a Whitelist Spot.
You'll need to spend 2 Utility Gems to get a Whitelist Spot each week. (If you want to get 2 Whitelist spots, you can get it for 4 Utility Gems)
You'll need to have the C-BOX Participation utility to unlock your Whitelist Spots for 2 Utility Gems for each.
You won't pay any monthly fee to get Whitelist Spots. Spending Utility Gems will be enough to unlock them.
Where to get access?
You’ll be able to see stake/yield options on the Staking tab on CONI's official website.
You’ll be able to see your current Tier if you have staked any $CONI.
You’ll be able to see your total and available Utility Gem(s) count based on your staking if you have any.
You’ll be able to see available utilities which you can get and the required Utility Gem(s) for each utility.
You’ll be able to get the utility you want by clicking Unlock if you have enough Utility Gem(s) to spend.
You’ll be able to give up using a specific utility and get back your Utility Gem(s) you already spend for that; then, you’ll be able to use these Gem(s) again to get a new utility.
Coniun has distributed over 60K whitelist spots from around 1K NFT projects and given away NFTs worth over 500 ETH in the last 6 months via C-BOX.
You can unlock a star per week by unlocking "1 C-BOX Star Utility" for 2 Utility Gems. Each star means a Whitelist Spot, and they renew weekly.
You can increase your star count per week by unlocking more than a "1 C-BOX Star Utility" if you have enough Utility Gems.
Each C-BOX star = 2 Utility Gems = 1 C-BOX Star Utility
Total WL spots for a single project are divided into three parts based on Tiers, with the desired allocation. See all Tiers on Staking & Utility Gems
Spots for Tier 3 and Tier 4
Spots for Tier 5 and Tier 6
Spots for Tier 7 and Tier 8
Spots for Raffle: A selected number of spots are allocated for a Raffle. Holders who couldn’t claim their WL spots can join the raffle to get a chance to win. Joining the raffle requires doing some tasks that the projects decide (Ex. follow, like & RT this tweet). In this way, Coniun can get more WL spots from the projects as they can gain more Twitter engagement.
You don't need to have a C-BOX star to join a raffle. So C-BOX Participation Utility is enough to join a raffle.
When a new project is added, claiming doesn’t start immediately. Coniun is notifying its holders on Discord, and there is a countdown for each project to start claiming.
Every project has different claiming periods and available spots. Holders can see when the claim will end.
WL spots are available in batches, so that that time zones won’t matter. (25% of the spots will be available immediately, an extra 25% will be available in 6 hours, and so on)
Holders don’t need to connect their wallet; if they are logged in to their Coniun account, they can access this dashboard anytime. It is a lot easier for Coniun's ledger holders.
The panel is visible to every holder who has unlocked the C-BOX Participation Utility; they can see the available Whitelist options, but claiming a Whitelist spot is just for the ones who have unlocked at least 1 C-BOX Star Utility.
Last updated